E-Blast Announcement
Hebrew Ulpan/Studio
Educational Opportunity
Hebrew is one of the oldest spoken languages and is the sacred language of the Jewish
people. Dating back to the 10 th century BCE, Hebrew remained the spoken language of
the Jewish people until 200 CE. After a 2000-year hiatus, spoken Hebrew celebrated a
revival in the 19 th century. Today, there are again over 9 million native speakers and
Hebrew, Lashon Hakodesh, the tongue of holiness, is the language of our worship.
The Adult Education Committee considers Hebrew to be a core element of Jewish
education at CBI. Existing Hebrew proficiency among our members varies widely. Our
goal is to create ongoing and sustainable educational opportunities that meets this
variability and works to advance Hebrew skills within our community. We have begun
planning for a Hebrew Ulpan/Studio in which four levels of study may be available:
1. Basic Hebrew
2. Siddur/Prayerbook Hebrew
3. Biblical Hebrew (Trope/cantillation)
4. Modern conversational Hebrew
We invite interested members of the Congregation to attend our inaugural meeting on
Sunday, February 18 th at 3 PM in the CBI Social Hall. This will simply be an opportunity
to gather and formulate plans for how best to move forward. We encourage
stakeholders from the Ritual Committee and the native Hebrew speakers from our
community to attend. Your input will be invaluable to the planning and implementation
for this endeavor. For additional information or questions, in advance of our meeting,
please feel free to contact Al Quiery at albertquiery@gmail.com. Refreshments will be
Please register for the February 18 th meeting utilizing the following link: