Independent Jewish Synagogue in Asheville, NC

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

One of the beautiful aspects of raising Jewish kids in Asheville is that they tend to grow up with a sense of being grounded. Their bar/bat mitzvah service is not an over-the-top competition. It’s just one of life’s milestones. It’s not a culmination of their Jewish learning and engagement – it’s the beginning.

Bar/Bat mitzvah study is introduced early on, at least several years prior to the event, with most of our students beginning to learn to read Hebrew in first grade. Our kids study with Josefa Briant, a former soloist in the Batsheva Dance Company (Tel Aviv) with a deep sense of spirituality.

They meet as a class to acquire the skills needed to lead services. About a year out, kids begin studying one-one-one to learn their Torah portion and haftarah and begin to meet with Rabbi Mitch to get a taste of what Jewish study with a chevruta (partner) is all about. After it’s over, many decide to remain engaged. That is our measure of success.