Independent Jewish Synagogue in Asheville, NC

About Us

This is Us

We’re a blended family. Old and young, Jews by birth and Jews by choice; from L.A., Miami, Atlanta and Brooklyn – London, Johannesburg and places with names too hard to pronounce. We celebrate together: single moms and newly retired couples, inter-faith and inter-racial families. And all of us – observant, secular and agnostic – find common ground in community.

Today, the CBI congregation consists of approximately 150 households.  Our independent, heimish community is actively inspired by tradition and social justice.  We are a participative, welcoming congregation that encourages all genders and generations to read from the Torah, lead Shacharit and Musaf services, share a d’var, or pray quietly.  We celebrate holidays, bake challah, serve food at the shelter downtown, and we love our potluck dinners and social events.  You’ll be greeted with open arms and a bagel with a schmear.  We can’t wait to meet you.