Independent Jewish Synagogue in Asheville, NC

Membership Renewal

Thank you for being a valued member of Beth Israel!

The membership year runs July 1-June 30th.  Current CBI members can renew here with this form CBI Membership Renewal Form 2024-2025. Thanks for taking the time to complete it and return it to the office by email: or by mail to:

Congregation Beth Israel
229 Murdock Avenue
Asheville, NC 28804

Did you notice our new website?  If you have never logged into your website account before, you will need to do so in order to renew.  Please sign in by using the email address at which you get the weekly eblast announcements, and then click on ‘forgot my password’.  This will allow you to set up a password and then you’ll be good to go.  In the future, you can register for events, make donations, and pay your membership dues all through the new site.

When renewing your membership, choose either “Bill to my Account” (if you want to set up payments), or “Pay Now” (if you want to pay your dues in one lump sum).
Call the office with any questions.