Independent Jewish Synagogue in Asheville, NC

Youth Engagement

The Youth Engagement program at Congregation Beth Israel is centered on the two tenets of the Jewish Community, and learning and understanding the Torah and Shabbat services. Students begin learning Hebrew as early as the first grade, in small groups, building upon this learning each year. Students learn to read Hebrew songs and prayers for both Friday night and Saturday morning services.

Each month students have an opportunity to practice leading parts of each of the services as well as learning about Jewish holidays, culture, and the Torah. Hebrew study takes place on weekdays. Along with their families, students attend one Kabbalat Shabbat a month. On alternate weekends, students come for Shabbat morning study, followed by a community Kiddush luncheon.

By immersing our students in prayer within our sanctuary, they begin to feel part of the CBI family at an early age, and by participating in the Kiddush lunch, the community gets to know the students as well. We are quite proud of the heimish and immersive approach to learning that we have fostered and the heights to which our students have soared.

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