Independent Jewish Synagogue in Asheville, NC

Social Action

Spotlight on Homeward Bound
Homeward Bound, one of the oldest non-profits in Asheville working to find permanent housing
for unhoused people, has been supported by our Congregation for many years. Prior to COVID, our primary work with them was our participation in Room at the Inn and support of their
Woodfin Apartments permanent housing site. Room at the Inn was not sustainable during
COVID so Homeward Bound began working on another permanent housing project, Compass
Point Village, by converting a Days Inn on Tunnel Road to 85 apartments. The project is close to
completion, and the CBI Board unanimously approved a financial contribution towards this project.  If you would like to contribute towards the CBI collection, then please make a donation to the social action committee and note “Homeward Bound” in the notes section.   Thank you in advance for
your kind consideration and for your past support

above photo: Joint Jewish Community Team serving lunch at the Veteran’s Quarters

What’s your social justice passion? Chances are, the CBI Social Action Committee is fighting for it.

  • Economic Justice
  • Environmental Justice
  • Education
  • Religious Freedom
  • Racial Justice
  • Gender Justice
  • Immigrant Justice
  • Electoral Justice

If not, get involved and get your cause on the agenda. Contact Marlene Jacoby or Laurie Chess to learn how.