CBI is powered by a huge cadre of volunteers, folks who generously give of their time to help out in so many ways. In fact, in normal times, at some point during the year, nearly everyone at CBI lends a hand to pitch in. Here are just a few of the opportunities:
CBI has several signature programs throughout the year to help raise awareness as well as funds. Find one that fits you, then contact Lee in the office and offer to help out.
Cafe Israel – Coinciding with Israel’s Independence Day (Yom ha’atzma’ut) each spring, Cafe Israel is a festive afternoon/evening event that showcases the very best of modern Israeli culture, food, music and more.
Rummage Sale – There are a lot of moving parts to hosting this huge sale. A lot of fun, too! Volunteering to help out with the Rummage Sale is also a great way to meet new faces.
CBI Directory – Think part congregational directory and part local advertising vehicle for area retailers. The CBI Directory debuts each Rosh HaShana, but there is plenty to do beforehand. Ad sales, production….it’s a team effort.
Golf Tournament – Typically held in early June, this fun day in the sun is exactly what it sounds like. Volunteers help make the logistics of the day run smoothly, solicit golfers, sponsors and auction/raffle items.
Every once in a while, Lee (the glue who holds our shul together) needs a little R&R. So we all pitch in for a while, answering the phones, greeting visitors and generally keeping Lee’s chair warm until she returns. No experience is required, just bring your personality. To add your name to the roster of pinch-hitters, send an email to director@bethisraelnc.org.
The CBI Gift Shop features traditional Judaica inventory – collector’s menorahs, dreidels, mezzuzot, kippot, tzedakah boxes etc. – as well as a unique collection of one-of-a-kind artworks and crafts created by local Jewish and non-Jewish artists. We’re always looking for help staffing, purchasing and stocking the store.
Interested? Shoot a quick email to director@bethisraelnc.com.
During the school, when our Family Education program is in full swing, we often need adults to help drive and chaperone kids to and from field trips. It’s a great way to tag along and see what makes this such an innovative and exciting program. Heck, you might even learn something if you’re not careful. To sign up, please contact Rabbi Mitch.
Each Saturday, our Shabbat morning services are pretty much lay led. If you can daven any part of the service, chant Torah or Haftorah…have we got a spot for you! Even if you can’t but would like to learn, we’ve got folks who are just itching to teach. For more info on leading services, contact admin@bethisraelnc.org
That’s right. One of the easiest and most powerful things any of us can do to help support the CBI family is to simply show up: to a Shabbat service, an adult ed class, a social action meeting, social event, fundraiser, whatever. By committing your time to be with us, you’re sending a message that CBI matters and is a meaningful part of your life.