Independent Jewish Synagogue in Asheville, NC

Shabbat Services

Traditional Shabbat Services

We welcome you to Shabbat morning services each week beginning at 9:30am.  Our services are conducted mainly in Hebrew and are entirely egalitarian, with men and women participating equally.  Knowledgeable and experienced lay leaders with our Rabbi,  lead the services, including chanting Torah and Haftarah, and presenting a teaching (d’var).  You are invited to join us for Kiddush lunch following services.

We also have two options for Kabbalat Shabbat (Friday evening) services every month:
Services led by Josefa Briant are most often held on the 2nd Friday night of the month at 6:00pm.  Please plan to stay for Shabbat dinner (vegetarian/dairy potluck) immediately following services.
Traditional Friday night services, usually led by Marc Penansky, are most often held on the 3rd Friday night of the month at 6:00pm.  Please plan to stay for a potluck Shabbat dinner (vegetarian/dairy) immediately following services.

Contemplative Shabbat Service

This deeply personal Shabbat service begins at 9:30 am, and is held once per month in various locations within the Synagogue property. The Contemplative Shabbat Service, that is led by Professor Rick Chess or other lay leaders, intensifies the Shabbat experience, allowing the participant to let go of the week and the world of doing and experience the peace of Shabbat through meditation, chanting, and blessing. By consulting the CBI enews or the synagogue calendar  you will always be informed of the time and date of the monthly Contemplative Shabbat Service.

Kiddush for Breakfast

Once a month Rabbi Mitch Levine leads a Shabbat morning discussion of a Jewish text or other relevant topic.  A buffet breakfast is served during the interactive session, followed by an abbreviated Shabbat service in the sanctuary.  The Kiddush for Breakfast sessions are announced, in advance, in the CBI Newsletter, as well as the CBI Calendar.  MOST often, they are on 2nd Saturdays and begin at 9:30am.