Independent Jewish Synagogue in Asheville, NC
At CBI, financial support is an expression of gratitude for the value we receive, not a requirement for membership.
CBI is primarily supported through voluntary gifts of the heart. They come in all sizes – and for all the right reasons. If you have found value here- whether during a service, class, program or in an interaction – please consider taking advantage of the many ways you can help.
Each year, CBI relies on private contributions to cover about 60-70% of our expenses. If you have found value – in a program, service or personal interaction at CBI – please consider supporting us. You can make a general donation or choose to support a specific program. For more information about the specific programs, check out the list of donor-directed funds below.
Our mailing address is:
Congregation Beth Israel
229 Murdock Avenue
Asheville, NC 28804
Or, you can make an online donation, through your Shulcloud account, by clicking the button below.
For those who would like to direct their financial support toward a specific area within CBI, these are the active donor directed funds. You are encouraged to support the General Fund with your donations, allowing the Board of Directors the discretion to direct this support toward areas of the most need.