Independent Jewish Synagogue in Asheville, NC

Join a Committee

Wanted: Owners, not Customers

While most of us have come from somewhere else, we all realize that a vibrant and sustainable small town Jewish community doesn’t just materialize and propagate (especially here in the south). It takes folks who are invested and who are willing to take ownership to make it work. Of the 150 or so families and individuals who are part of the CBI community, the majority of us are active in a number of different ways. Below are the various committees that help make this place what it is. Pick one and get involved.

Committee Mission and Vision Statement

The Adult Education Committee facilitates Jewish learning opportunities and provides

the resources and support that engage and inspire our members and friends; together

and individually; within the walls of our synagogue, out in the community and in the

home. We are committed to helping every member deepen their understanding of who

they are as Jews and find their place in the Jewish story. Our vision is to establish

among our members a thirst for life-long Jewish learning, such that it becomes a

defining characteristic of who we are as a congregation.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Adult Education Committee or wish

to share your expertise with the community through a program/event, please contact us




This enthusiastic group serves two purposes within CBI.  Our “Welcome” arm focuses on welcoming new and prospective members with phone calls, emails, and gatherings to introduce them to the many facets of CBI.  Our “Engagement” arm provides and encourages opportunities for current members to engage with one another in a meaningful way.   We may enjoy cooking together for the shabbat kiddush luncheon, planting an herb garden, gathering with our sewing/knitting projects to share skills, or helping to decorate the sukkah!  Whenever we get together, it’s always fun!

For more information, email to Pam at:


Club Havurah is a social club for CBI members. We meet monthly, typically for lunch or dinner at a local restaurant.  In addition we plan activities such as seeing a film or play with a Jewish theme, gathering for a picnic along the French Broad River, meeting at a local art gallery for a special exhibit, etc.  The overall goal is to enjoy one another’s company and connect with fellow congregants in an informal, fun environment.  Singles and couples are always made to feel welcome.
To find out more, send an email to Helene at:




CBI’s Women’s Group is open to women who are members of CBI.   We meet monthly, usually at the synagogue, and typically discuss an interesting topic, such as  “How Do You Resolve Conflict” or “Women’s Friendships”.  This very popular group always welcomes new members.

To find out more, send an email to Helene at:




This group is comprised of Asheville area Jewish people, ages 25-40 ish.  No synagogue membership is required, and our goal is to create a social group where local Jews in that demographic can get together in a social environment and plan fun activities together.

For more information, email:

Accordion Content
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Chesed is a caring team of CBI members who are here to help out the CBI community

during both challenging as well as joyous times. Our most common activities are

providing meals, providing rides to doctor appointments and programs, sending cards,

and recognizing special events, such as holidays, conversions, births, as well as special

birthdays and anniversaries. In addition, we are available to run errands, make calls,

make visits, and help ensure a shivah minyan.

Many CBI members have already volunteered to be contacted when we receive a

request for one of these activities. These CBI members are inspirational in their rapid

and conscientious responses. Some people have their names on only one list, and

others have offered to help with several different kinds of requests. If you would like to

be added to our lists, please contact and tell us what you

would like to help with. You can put your name on as many lists as you would like.

When a call comes in for a specific request, we contact the people on that list and see

who is available to help. No one is expected to be available every time a request is sent


When CBI’s Chesed Team responds to a request from a CBI member, it’s often

operating in the background. But we want to make sure that every CBI member is also

aware of how to request assistance. You can help by letting us know when you or

someone you know could benefit from some help from Chesed. It’s difficult sometimes

to ask for assistance, but all requests are handled as confidentially and sensitively as

possible. We can’t respond if we don’t know what is needed, and we don’t want anyone

to feel overlooked. To request something for either yourself or someone else, please

email or Or you can call the CBI


Jewish communities have a rich history of taking care of each other. The Babylonian

Talmud teaches us that All Jews are responsible one for another (Shevuot 39a). The

work done by anyone connected to Chesed is incredibly helpful and important. Be part

of this effort to support this tradition.

Questions? Please reach out to us at Chesed@bethisraelnc.orgAccordion Content

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