Siddur (Prayerbook) Hebrew II: Hook Up
Your Jumper Cables and Charge Up.
An Online Course with Joseph L. Korn
Ten Mondays: February 10, 17, 24; March 3, 10, 17,
24, 31; April 7, 14
4-5:30 p.m. ET
In these ten live online sessions we will begin a scholarly study of essential parts
of grammar for reading and understanding the Siddur, (as well as the Tanach
and conversational Hebrew). We will also begin learning some of the verbal
forms in the Qal stem, (binyan). We will look at selected portions of the Siddur,
exploring them grammatically based on the material we are covering.
Participants will be encouraged to complete exercises for each class. By the
end of the course, participants will be familiar with participles, (present tense), of
Hebrew Qal verbs.
Required book: Prayerbook Hebrew, The Easy Way, Anderson, Motzkin,
Rubinstein, Wiseman; Third Edition
This course is one of four levels which will be offered
Prerequisite: Completion of Siddur Hebrew l. If you have not completed this
course but believe you have the equivalent background, please schedule a
conversation with the instructor prior to registering. This course is appropriate
“for students who can read Hebrew words but do not know what they mean.
Students who cannot read Hebrew, or can do so only great difficulty”, shou
take the Siddur Hebrew I course. (From Prayerbook Hebrew, The Easy Way.)
Cost: $25.00 (Members of CBI free)
*Finances should never be an impediment to Jewish learning. If the registration fee presents a
financial barrier to your participation, please contact Rochelle or Lee and CBI.