Siddur (Prayerbook) Hebrew lV: Reading Seminar
on Selected Siddur Passages.
An Online Course with Joseph L. Korn
Eight Sundays: February 9, 16, 23; March 2, 9 ,16, 23, 30
4:00-5:30 p.m. ET
In eight live online sessions we will first finish learning the final
in the Qal verb stem; the future tense, the reversing vav, the
imperative form, and the infinitive. The rest of the sessions will b
dedicated to a scholarly reading of major portions in the Siddur, such
as The Kaddish, The Shema, The Amidah, Morning Blessings, songs
and other portions which participants may request. Emphasis will be
placed on locating within the passages the vocabulary and parts of
grammar which we have learned as an exercise in recognizing them
and thus deepening our understanding of the writer’s original
intentions, and so enhancing our participation in prayer services.
Required Book: Prayerbook Hebrew, The Easy Way, Anderson,
Motzkin, Rubinstein, Wiseman; Third Edition
Prerequisite: Completion of Siddur Hebrew I, II, and III. If you have
not taken these courses but believe you have the equivalent
background, please schedule a conversation with the instructor prior
to enrollment.
Cost: $25.00 (Members of CBI free)
*Finances should never be an impediment to Jewish learning. If the registration fee for this
program presents a financial barrier to your participation, please see Rochelle or Lee at CB