Purim at CBI
March 24th 5:00pm
Join your CBI family and friends for a festive and silly celebration of Purim.
The Megillah reading will begin at 5:00pm. Please fill the Purim mitzvah of giving Tzedakah by bringing non-perishable food items for the JFS Food Pantry (consider bringing ‘noisy’ food and use it as your grogger first!). Stay for the Purim mitzvot* of hearing the Megillah AND enjoying in celebratory feast which will follow the reading. Bring your vegetarian/dairy potluck dish to share. Following dinner, stick around for some funny antics- AND we’ll get you home before dark!
*The fourth Purim mitzvah is to give gifts of food to your friends- you know this as mishlach manot. We invite you to do this mitzvah as well.