Title: “Passing our personal Torah to the next generation”
Presenters: Rabbi Mitch Levine and Caren Kessler
Sunday April 6, 1:00 – 3:00 Part 1
Sunday TBD 1:00 – 3:00 Part 2
Register HERE. Free for CBI members, $10 for general community members
Part 1:
For centuries, people have written wills to distribute their property. For centuries,
Jews have participated in another tradition of writing ethical wills, documents
designed to pass along their perspectives on living.
At our first meeting, Rabbi Mitch Levine will introduce ethical wills. We have an
activity designed to get folks thinking about how to apply the tradition to their
personal situations. Caren Kessler will then provide approaches to actually putting
“pen to paper,” so you can develop ideas for your ethical will.
Part 2:
Caren will meet with the group for a “writer’s workshop” to
share ideas. In preparation for Shavuot, this program offers you the opportunity
to write a personal “Torah” to hand down to future generations.