This course is intended for Jews and non-Jews alike, for anyone seeking to deepen their knowledge of Judaism.
Introduction to Judaism 5785
sponsored by
Congregation Beth HaTephila and Congregation Beth Israel
Mondays 5:30-6:30
January 6 – April 7 at CBHT & CBI
Taught by Rabbi Batsheva H. Meiri and Rabbi Mitchell Levine
Background Reading:
1. The Tapestry of Jewish Time: A Spiritual Guide to Holidays and Lifecycle Events, Rabbi Nina
Beth Cardin.
2. What Do Jews Believe, David S Ariel.
3. The Beginnings of Jewishness: Boundaries, Varieties, Uncertainties, Shaye J.D. Cohen
Essential to Jewish Library
Tanakh – JPS or Oxford Jewish Study Bible
Jewish Literacy, Joseph Telushkin
Tough Questions Jews Ask, Rabbi Edward Feinstein
Choosing A Jewish Life: A Handbook for People Converting to
Judaism and their Families, Anita Diamant
Back to the Sources, Barry Holtz
The Sabbath, Abraham Joshua Heschel
Night, Elie Wiesel
Internet Resources:,,,,,
January 6 What is Judaism: Introductions, Flavors and Class Themes-BOTH Rabbis/CBHT
January 13 From Abraham to Asheville: How we got here “on one foot”-Rabbi Levine/CBI
January 20 No Class: MLK DAY
January 27 Holiness and Sanctification of Time: Shabbat & Re-envisioning Shabbat-
Rabbi Meiri/CBHT
Tapestry, pg 34-45
AJ Heschel, The Sabbath (optional)
February 3 People of the Book: Navigating Key Texts and Jewish Resources- Rabbi
February 10 Avodah She’balev: Liturgy, Worship & Prayer- Rabbi Meiri/CBHT
What Jews Believe, pg 186-210
Introduction to Judaism 5785
sponsored by
Congregation Beth HaTephila and Congregation Beth Israel
Mondays 5:30-6:30 at CBHT & CBI
Taught by Rabbi Batsheva H. Meiri and Rabbi Mitchell Levine
February 24 Kashrut: Keva (Traditional) & Kavannah (non-traditional) Styles –
Rabbi Meiri/CBHT
Read What Jews Believe, pg 176-180
March 3 The Community and the Individual- Rabbi Levine/CBI
March 10 Understanding Mitzvah: Obligation and Autonomy- Rabbi Meiri/CBHT
March 17 Two Classic Approaches to Spirituality: Prayer vs. Torah Study- Rabbi Levine/CBI
March 24 What is Antisemitism? -Rabbi Meiri/CBHT
March 31 The Meanings of Conversion: The concept of Conversion through the lens of
Traditional Texts- Rabbi Levine/CBI
April 7 Conversion Panel Discussion
What Jews Believe, pg 108-128, 211-246
Cost of course is $360 for an individual, $450 for a couple. Payment should be made to Congregation Beth HaTephila. To register and for questions: or (828) 253-4911. In case of financial hardship, please contact their office.