Independent Jewish Synagogue in Asheville, NC

Poem – We Are All Hersh

We are all Hersh

by Bob Deutsch


We are all Hersh

Hersh Goldberg – Polin

Zichron Levracha.

Like Hersh, we all were born

Hopefully, into a world of love

The first child of Rachel and Jon,

Their first son,

Hersh was older brother and protector

To two loving sisters, Libi and Orly

He was a Polin and Goldberg grandson

He was a child who became

a student, friend, summer camper, guide, and geographer

A future world explorer.


Unlike Hersh, most of us did not become soldiers

Defending our country and family

Driving a tank into the Gaza hell

becoming a medic to heal wounds.


We are all Hersh

young adults age 23

Planning world tours

Following rave music festivals

Around the globe

Before returning to our homelands

Our own Eretz Yisrael

Going to university

Getting married

Starting families of our own.


We are all Hersh

We live our lives as best we can

Traversing childhood, teenage years, adulthood

opportunities and challenges

Trying to learn how to make sense

Of it all.


As we recite the U-netaneh Tokef prayer

At the end of this shocking and dreadful year

Who knows what fate awaits each of us

Hopefully, not to be seriously wounded

Not to be held as hostages

In suffocating tunnels

Without sunlight, food, or love

And finally, not to be brutally murdered

By enemies who seek our destruction.


Hope is mandatory

Unfortunately, hope’s fruition

Does not always come to pass.


We are all Hersh

And like Hersh

Will leave a legacy

That lives on after

Our spirits move on

To the next world.