Independent Jewish Synagogue in Asheville, NC

Habitat For Humanity Volunteer Opportunities

Major Mitzvah Opportunity: Habitat for Humanity

Seeking Volunteers

Update on Major Mitzvah Opportunity: Habitat for Humanity;
On behalf of CBI and Habitat for Humanity I would like to thank those of you that have already
committed to the mitzvah of volunteering to work on this year’s House of Faith. Because of your
willingness to help a family have a safe home of their own, three of the five scheduled work
dates (February 5th , February 12th , and March 11th ) already have been filled.

We still need a few more volunteers for the two remaining dates.

We need two additional volunteers for February 19; and one additional volunteer for March 18.

No experience or special skills are needed, and all necessary tools, safety equipment, and
materials are supplied by Habitat. All that is needed is a desire to get involved and to help build
a new home for people who are currently living in sub-standard housing. The workday runs
from about 8am until 3:15pm with breaks throughout the day.

If you want to volunteer for either of the remaining dates (February 19, and/or March 18) or get
additional information, please contact either Robert Kline at or Jeremy
Samsky at .
Thank You