Shabbat following services (most of them), join in the study of the ancient text of the Talmud.
Register Here by June 15th so we can order books
Why study Talmud? The Wood Choppers of Berdichev Among religious Jews, Talmudic scholars are regarded with the same awe and respect with which secular society regards Nobel laureates. Yet throughout Jewish history, study of the Mishna and Talmud was hardly restricted to an intellectual elite. An old book saved from the millions burned by the Nazis, and now housed at the YIVO library in New York, bears the stamp THE SOCIETY OF WOODCHOPPERS FOR THE STUDY OF MISHNA IN BERDITCHEV. That the men who chopped wood in Berditchev, an arduous job that required no literacy, met regularly to study Jewish law demonstrates the ongoing pervasiveness of study of the Oral Law in the Jewish community. – Joseph Telushkin
Please register so books can be ordered in time. We will meet three times a month. No problem if you go out of town or miss a class, Rabbi will help you catch up. Cost for the ongoing class is $54 which includes your book, Tractate Moed Katan Bavli. Contact office if cost is prohibitive.